Longest Repeating Character Replacement
You are given a string s
and an integer k
. You can choose any character of the string and change it to any other uppercase English character. You can perform this operation at most k
Return the length of the longest substring containing the same letter you can get after performing the above operations.
Example 1:
Input: s = "ABAB", k = 2 Output: 4 Explanation: Replace the two 'A's with two 'B's or vice versa.
Example 2:
Input: s = "AABABBA", k = 1 Output: 4 Explanation: Replace the one 'A' in the middle with 'B' and form "AABBBBA". The substring "BBBB" has the longest repeating letters, which is 4.
1 <= s.length <= 105
consists of only uppercase English letters.0 <= k <= s.length
* @param {string} s
* @param {number} k
* @return {number}
var characterReplacement = function(s, k) {
let l = 0; // left of window
let r = 0; // right of window
let maxFreq = 0; // max frequency of any letter in s[0:r + 1]
const map = {}; // occurrence of letter in s[l:r + 1]
for (; r < s.length; r++) {
const c = s[r];
if (!(c in map)) {
map[c] = 0;
maxFreq = Math.max(maxFreq, map[c]);
// if the window cannot be modified to contain the same letter
if (r - l + 1 > maxFreq + k) {
return r - l;
We will implement a sliding window solution. We keep on incrementing the right boundary r
of the window, while updating map
, maxFreq
, as well as checking whether this new window is valid (if invalid we will also increment l
so that the size of the window stays the same instead of increasing). More specifically:
- If the window did increase in size, then we know it must be valid due to our check (ie.
l - r + 1 > maxFreq + k
) - Otherwise, if the window simply shifts (ie.
), there is no guarantee that the new window is valid.
That said, we do know that there must have been a previous window of this size that was valid. Thus, because the size of the window is non-decreasing (only increasing when a longer substring that is valid is found), the length of the longest valid substring is the final window size (ie. r - l